Voice technology study report

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Authors: Kenneth Allendoerfer, PhD.
Airway Facilities Human Factors Group
Richard H. Mogford
Armida Rosiles
Dan Wagner

Mogford, R. H., Rosiles, A., Wagner, D., Allendoerfer, K. R., Airway Facilities Human Factors Group (1997). Voice technology study report (DOT/FAA/CT-TN97/2). Atlantic City International Airport: Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center


This document presents the findings of a voice technology study that evaluated the potential of a speech-to-text and voice recognition system to support an Airway Facilities maintenance task. Researchers conducted the test at an Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR)-9 site at the William J. Hughes Technical Center. Thirteen Airway Facilities specialists completed the procedure twice, once with the voice technology system and again with a paper manual. The results showed no differences in task completion time or workload, suggesting that the voice technology system was no more time consuming or difficult to use than a traditional paper manual. The voice recognition rate was 86.6%. Questionnaire response showed that users found the voice technology system understandable, easy to control, and responsive to voice commands. When asked to compare voice technology to the use of a paper manual for the Air Traffic Control Beacon Interrogator (ATCBI)-5 maintenance procedure, study participants indicated that the voice technology system made the maintenance task easier to perform, was more efficient and effective than a paper manual, and would be better for handling large amounts of information. Researchers concluded that this study resulted in a successful demonstration of voice technology for the Airway Facilities maintenance procedure. It was recommended that further, more extensive studies be conducted using voice technology systems in a wider variety of Airway Facilities environments and tasks.

Updated: May 04, 2012 11:21 AM