Laser Glare and Laser Eye Protection Effects on Pilots during Takeoffs and Landings

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Authors: Chauvin, D.J.
Andrew Cheng, PhD.
Ercoline, W.R.
Kumru, S.S.
Kuyk, T.K.
McLin, L.N.
Novar, B.J.

McLin, L.N., Kumru, S.S., Chauvin, D.J., Novar, B.J., Kuyk, T.K., Cheng, A.Y. & Ercoline W.R. (2010) Laser Glare and Laser Eye Protection Effects on Pilots during Takeoffs and Landings, AFRL-RH-BR-TR-2011-XXXX, Air Force Research Laboratory, Human Effectiveness Directorate, Directed Energy Bioeffects Division, Brooks City-Base, TX