Resampling Based Classification Using Depth for Functional Curves

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Authors: Andrew Cheng, PhD.
Kwon, A.M.
Ouyany, M

Kwon, A.M., Ouyang, M., & Cheng, A.Y. (2014) Resampling Based Classification Using Depth for Functional Curves”, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation


The depths, which have been used to detect outliers or to extract a representative subset, can be applied to classification. We propose a resampling-based classification method based on the fact that resampling techniques yield a consistent estimator of the distribution of a statistic. The performance of this method was evaluated with eight contaminated models in terms of Correct Classification Rates (CCRs), and the results were compared with other known methods. The proposed method consistently showed higher average CCRs and 4% higher CCR at the maximum compared to other methods. In addition, this method was applied to Berkeley data. The average CCRs were between 0.79 and 0.85.