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Human-Systems Integration Branch

HF Guidance for the Display of PIREPs on Information Display Systems

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Authors: Alex Konkel, Ph.D.
Joseph Marshall
George Puzen
Nicole Rancine
Randy Sollenberger, PhD.
Bill Thomas

Racine, N., Konkel, A, Sollenberger, R., Puzen, G., Thomas, B. & Marshall, J. (2019). Human Factors Guidance for the Display of Pilot Reports (PIREPs) on Information Display Systems. DOT/FAA/TC-19/29. Atlantic City International Airport, NJ: Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center.


The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of how Pilot Reports (PIREPs) are displayed and used by Air Traffic Controllers. This document provides a summary of the terminal and en route PIREPs system and identifies how human factors principles might be implemented to improve PIREPs in the future. The summary is based on interviews with controllers at Philadelphia International Airport, review of PIREP documentation, and the authors’ knowledge and expertise.


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