Computer-Automated Simulation Pilot (CASPER)

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Authors: Nelson Brown
Jonathan Rein, Ph.D.

Brown, N. & Rein, J. (2024). Computer-Automated Simulation Pilot (CASPER): Integrating Automated Speech Recognition into Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Simulation Systems. DOT/FAA/TC-24/25. Atlantic City International Airport, NJ: Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center for Advanced Aerospace.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has developed the Computer-Automated Simulation Pilot (CASPER) to enhance the realism and efficiency of air traffic control (ATC) simulations. Integrating automated speech recognition (ASR) technology, CASPER improves human-in-the-loop (HITL) simulations by reducing costs and addressing controller availability and resource optimization challenges. Its modular design and seamless integration with existing FAA systems, such as the Target Generation Facility (TGF) and Distributed Environment for Simulation, Rapid Engineering, and Experimentation (DESIREE), allow it to support tower, terminal, and enroute operations.

CASPER operates in both full-response and suggestion modes, providing a versatile tool that enhances simulation fidelity and reduces the demand for human simulation pilots in lower-priority tasks. Demonstrations confirmed CASPER’s accuracy and effectiveness, delivering high levels of immersion for controllers. CASPER also has potential applications in ATC training. Ongoing development in collaboration with the William J. Hughes Technical Center and Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center highlights CASPER’s potential as a cost-effective and customizable platform for advancing ATC practices. Its adaptability complements commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions, providing a strategic tool for enhancing simulations and training. By addressing current challenges and aligning with FAA goals, CASPER offers valuable capabilities for the future of air traffic management.